As a very young company, just starting out making bespoke synthesizer modules and devices, often there will be the need to pre-order a desired product.
This helps me concentrate my efforts to make exacty what is needed, when it is desired, rather than run the risk of sitting on a load of stock that has cost me time and money to produce, i will endevour to keep waiting times to an absolute minimum. when you pre-order a product i will be in contact with an specific expected delivery date.
the current general waiting time is -
due to a very busy october, production is set to resume in full swing in November.
i might find some time before...lets see.
this estimate is subject to change and will be updated accordingly.
pre-ordering cost 20% of the desired product and deposits are refundable if you change your mind. items will only be posted once the 80% balance is paid.
small quantities of stock will be made outside of this pre order process, so this isn't the only way to purchase from me, so it's always best to check to see if the desired product is in stock before pre ordering.