Sum-0-set levels
the sum-0-set levels is a 4 channel CV mixer, inverter, attenuator, offset, mult, mute and CV source.
each channel has its own slider and mute button, and output for both inverted and non inverted signals, these outputs are mixed in a cascading style so every output has the potential function of summing the previous unconnected channels, therefore being a very versatile hub for signal manipulation.
utilising the internal CV generators its possible to set 4 voltages within the range of +/-5v and set desired pitch voltages and then play them with the mutes.
or input an envelope and get a sidechain signal for dynamic ducking on competeing audio that shares similar frequency bands.
this little box really expands your cv possibilies.
for a full rundown of layout and function with examples and for more information - join the discord community.
all modular boxes come housed in a heavy duty aluminium enclosure, each one custom painted with its own unique orange splatter
this box is designed to be powered with my 2HP parasitic power module.